Major Announcement! Houthi Rebels Notify China and Russia: Chinese and Russian Vessels Safe to Transit Red Sea Without Threat of Attack
According to reports from multiple media outlets including Bloomberg on March 21, sources revealed that Yemen’s Houthi rebels have communicated to China and Russia that vessels from both countries can navigate through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden without being targeted by the organization! Sources mentioned that after discussions between Chinese and Russian […]
Houthi Insurgents Expand Attack Range to the Indian Ocean and Arm with Hypersonic Missiles
Houthi Forces Extend Operational Reach to the Indian Ocean and Equip with Hypersonic Missiles On the evening of March 14 local time, Abdul Malik Houthi, leader of the Houthi armed group in Yemen, reiterated support for Palestine in a televised address and declared intentions to take action to prevent ships associated with Israel from sailing. […]
Belgian Customs Strike! Thousands of Parcels Stuck at Liège Airport, Slowing Down Clearance and Inspection!
Belgium is facing another strike, with thousands of parcels being held up at Liège Airport. The customs officers have launched an intense strike, expected to last until January 8th, as they work slowly in protest against the reduction of night-time benefits set for 2024.Since the strike began, around 40 million parcel declarations have been made, […]
Latest News! Maersk’s Official Announcement on the Resumption of Red Sea Shipping: Latest Developments!
According to reports, on December 27, Danish shipping giant Maersk announced on its official website that in the coming weeks, dozens of its cargo ships will return to the Suez Canal and Red Sea routes. Additionally, Maersk indicated that the specific timetable may still change, depending on the emergency plans that may be formulated in […]
Prepare for a 90-Day Disruption in the Red Sea Shipping Route
Since November 19th, Houthi forces in Yemen have been launching sustained attacks on Israeli ships transiting through the Red Sea, severely disrupting the vital trade route that connects Europe, North America, and Asia through the Suez Canal! Exporters are urgently seeking alternative air, land, and sea routes to ensure timely delivery of goods to retailers, […]
Malaysia Imposes Major Shipping Restrictions on Israeli Vessels Amid Rising Global Tensions
Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced on Wednesday that ships flying the Israeli flag will not be allowed to dock in Malaysia, effective immediately. Additionally, any vessels en route to Israel are also prohibited from loading cargo at Malaysian ports. This measure notably affects Zim Integrated Shipping Services, an Israeli shipping company previously permitted in […]
本文目录: 01. ChatGPT 的使用指南 02. 调研选品 03. 网站搭建 04. 付费广告–谷歌 05. 付费广告–Facebook 广告 06. 内容创作与社交媒体 07. 其他作用 01.使用指南 1.使用方法 ①描述业务背景 首先,详细描述业务背景,提供必要的业务信息。 ②确定目标 接下来,明确我们要达成的目标,阐述我们希望实现的具体目的。 ③设定关键成果 然后,具体定义我们需要实现的效果。 ④进行实验与优化 最后,通过提出问题和改进回答的方式,不断试验并调整,以实现持续的改进和发展。 示范: 2.使用技巧和注意事项 1.很多时候由于网络的原因,如果写到一半就停止了,可以输入“继续写”,它就会继续输出内容。 2.看不懂英文的回答可以在提问的时候加上一句:输出回答时附上中文翻译。也可以选择让GPT用中文回复。 3.虽然GPT已经可以联网了,但是数据还是在2023年4月份,如果涉及到具体的数据可能会出现不准确的情况。 3.改进回答的方法 1.优化提示词:在分析得到的回答后,不断更新和调整提示词,以改善结果。 2.改进回答:在持续的对话中,指出ChatGPT答案的不足,并提出新的要求,以改善答案质量。 3.重复尝试:即使提示词保持不变,也可以多次提出相同的问题。由于ChatGPT的答案是基于算法计算得出,即使问题相同,每次的回答也可能不同。通过这种方法,可以在多次尝试中找到满意的答案。 下面是一些ChatGPT的使用方向和具体的提示词,使用的时候只要把里面的产品,国家,或者一些其他的内容替换成自己的产品和目标市场,直接发送给ChatGPT就可以了。 02.调研选品 ①选品报告撰写 作为一名专注于跨境电子商务的独立站选品专家,您需要根据我的要求挑选合适的产品,并准备一份详细的选品报告。报告应包括推荐该产品的理由、优势与劣势、潜在的市场风险、市场潜力以及目标消费者特征等信息。请为北美地区的圣诞节市场推荐一些产品,这些产品应该更适合在独立网站而非亚马逊等大型平台销售,并且具有较高的利润空间和较低的市场竞争。 ②竞争分析与差异化策略 作为一名负责网站运营的专业人士,我们计划在指定国家通过跨境电商平台销售特定产品。请调研并列出10个销售类似产品的竞争对手网站,并分析它们的优势和不足。基于这些信息,讨论我们在销售此产品时应采取的差异化策略。 ③产品建议与销售策略 作为电商网站的负责人,我们计划在指定国家销售特定产品。您能对这个产品的款式或类型提出什么建议吗?在销售过程中,有没有其他可搭配销售的产品或者销售策略建议? ④产品市场趋势分析 就长期趋势而言,特定产品在指定国家市场的表现是上升还是下降?请进行分析。 03.网站搭建 ①命名新网站 作为网站负责人,您的任务是为在特定国家销售特定产品的网站起名。请构思五个网站名称,并确保这些名称的.com域名尚未注册。 ②设计网站首页 身为网站设计师,您需要为一个面向特定地区销售特定产品的跨境电商网站设计首页。请详细描述网页的布局、图片、按钮、文字布局,包括具体文案、按钮文本和图片选择等细节。若涉及文案,请用英文书写并附上中文翻译。 ③设计产品页面 作为网站设计师,您的任务是为销售特定产品的跨境电商网站设计产品页面。请规划页面的结构、图片、按钮、文字布局等,包括具体文案、按钮文本和图片选择等每一个细节。若涉及文案,请用英文书写并附上中文翻译。 ④编写“关于我们”页面 作为网站负责人,您需要为在特定地区销售特定产品的网站编写品牌故事。故事中应包含数字、日期和丰富的细节。请用英文书写并提供中文翻译。 […]
现在汽车出口正是炙手可热的阶段,但是大伙儿可能不了解的是,这些新车都是被当做二手车卖出去的,也就是说,买辆新车先挂上牌,然后再转让出口。 你可能会问,直接新车出口不就行了吗?多麻烦呀! 如果你想要做新车出口,必须要有相应的手续。你必须先拿到工厂的授权。假如说,你想做奇瑞汽车出口,你必须要拿到奇瑞厂家的官方授权,这样你才可以直接把车出口到海外去。 但是呢,通常这种授权,你基本也拿不到。 而且如果厂家没有做认证也出不去,因为这个新车还必须符合对方国家的认证。 那怎么办呢?就是把车挂上牌,买上保险,然后再往外出口,这个就是以二手车的名义出口新车,这个做法就完全合规合法,而且还有我们国家的退税补贴。车到达进口商手里头之后,进口商再以新车来卖这台车。就像咱们现在的平行进口车是一样的道理。
Deciphering Amazon’s FBA ID: A Seller’s Guide
What is an FBA ID? FBA, or Fulfillment by Amazon, is Amazon’s service enabling sellers to outsource storage, packaging, and shipping of their products. An FBA ID is a unique identifier given to each shipment under the FBA program. In instances where a seller opts to split their shipment, each segment is assigned a distinct […]
What Is A Notify Party?
Introduction Understanding the concept of a notify party is crucial in the realm of international shipping and foreign trade. This article aims to demystify the role and significance of the notify party for industry professionals. What is a Notify Party? Definition: A notify party, in international shipping terms, refers to the individual or entity listed […]